AI Adoption

AI Adoption

Discover the places you can adopt AI. We can also implement those solutions.

We are masters at using AI. Why? AI was built by computer scientists, as a result, we were the first to access it. As programmers, we know how to best use AI, it is an art and a science.


  • We will train you how to embrace AI sooner rather than later. AI is here to stay, the earlier you embrace it, the bigger the head start you will have.
  • We will teach you how to use AI to accomplish a variety of things like fix vehicles, appliances, summarize books, plan travel, and hundreds of other novel ways.
  • We will give you tips on how to best use AI that only programmers would know



  1. Initial 10 min conversation: On the house
  2. Video call consultation / training: $50 / hour
  3. In person consultation / training: $75 / hour

Getting Started

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the form below
  1. Contact us using one of the methods below.